Alex Klassen


Because Career Trek has been around for 25 years, we sometimes get the absolute joy of sharing stories from people who grew up with Career Trek. Alex Klassen might even tell you that he grew up shaped by Career Trek.

Meeting Alex today, you would probably not guess that he was a shy kid, or someone who didn’t live his life with a lot of focus in his younger years.

Alex said: “I think it’s important for young people to get involved with Career Trek because it’s a great supportive organization that will help you push yourself to see what aspects of life you would like to change.”

Alex was introduced to Career Trek in Grade 5, taking part in what is now the Wonder of Work (WOW) program. He participated in programs in Grade 9 (now the Get Ready to Work!) program and went on to volunteer with Career Trek as a teen. Career Trek programs helped him realize that he wanted to work in education in some capacity.

The best part is, Alex found that opportunity without having to ever leave Career Trek. He now works as the Program Coordinator for the program that first introduced him to Career Trek – WOW – as well as other projects like Adult Trek, Junior Staff Mentorship Program, and the Seven Oaks School Division project.

“I’ve been a part of Career Trek in some capacity for 12 years now,” Alex said. “And now I’m a full-time team member. It has been one of my goals in life to work with Career Trek in a full-time capacity.”

During his 12 years with Career Trek, Alex reflected, he’s seen a huge amount of growth and change, including the sheer number of programs that Career Trek now offers the community.

“I don’t remember seeing any Junior Staff when I was a participant. The fact that we are able to reach so many more participants in Manitoba through our programs is incredible. I’m so excited to be a part of Career Trek and I’m super pumped to see where we go in the future.”

If you ask Alex what he loves most about Career Trek, he has a lot to say about the people and feeling of community he’s found with the organization.

“One thing I love about Career Trek is that it’s like family. I feel at home and always supported within the organization. We have such wonderful staff and I will always speak highly of Career Trek.”


Career Trek has been around for 24 years, which means there are hundreds of stories like Alex’s. We want to hear them – do you remember going through Career Trek? Did Career Trek help guide your career or education choices? Maybe your story is entirely different, but we still want to hear it!

If you have a Career Trek story and you’d like to share it with us, please get in touch with Communications & Events Coordinator Ayomide Shittu at [email protected].