1. Career Trek Increases the Chance Children Will Meet With Success
Every year Career Trek conducts a survey with participants and their families. Over the years children and families have reported:
- Increased persistence.
- Increased self-esteem.
- Increased ability to see themselves as students.
2. Career Trek is an Established and Accountable Organization
When you donate to Career Trek you can be sure that your money will be put to good use supporting programming in an organization with a 17-year track record of helping kids uncover their passion for post-secondary education.
All donations will be used for board-approved programs and projects.
3. Career Trek Participants Rely on Your Donations
Career Trek prides itself on designing programs to meet the needs of the community. Whether it is transportation, lunches, or culturally appropriate programming, Career Trek strives to provide an experience that includes the supports necessary for learning.
Your donation of $25, $50, or $100 can help to ensure that ‘M’ Program participants and their infants receive safe and effective child care during programming, or that Children Rising (Parkland) participants get a well balanced meal while on trips into Winnipeg, or that Wonder of Work (Winnipeg) participants get safe transportation to and from programming.
4. Donations are Tax Deductible
5. Donors Report Feeling Better
Studies have shown that happy people give and that giving makes people happier. There are psychological, emotional, and social benefits to giving.
We can all feel great knowing that, thanks to your donation, participants are on the road to creating a prosperous future for themselves.
6. Manitoba’s Future Depends On a Skilled, Targeted, and Engaged Workforce
There are many problems facing the workforce of the future: a potential skills mismatch, high youth unemployment, workforce disengagement, and looming skilled worker shortages.
While your donation cannot solve all workforce problems, it can provide children with the tools they need to navigate their career journey.
Career Trek infuses sound career development philosophy into its programs to provide children and youth with the knowledge necessary to make informed choices and overcome obstacles.
Help Manitoba children and youth begin their career journeys. Donate today!